Address Book

For my final project in ICS 212 I developed an address book with a user interface that allowed users to add, print, find, or delete their information from a database of records. The code I wrote for this project was originally written in C but I converted it to C++ along with additions for the final project. The code for this project was the most code I had done up to that point and really tested my knowledge on multiple concepts in C and C++. It was really interesting and satisfying to me to be able to combine all the processes and data structures taught throughout the class into one working interface.


My biggest takeaway from creating this was to always make sure you have a clear goal and work through the steps to get to said goal very carefully. Especially when there are multiple files with lots a code, even if it seems tedious, it saves tons of time if your code is relatively good the first time through. Towards what I thought was the end of the project, I checked through around 50 unique test cases and it was very difficult to find where the errors were in hindsight, especially if they were objectively miniscule. Overall, this project was very beneficial to me in demonstrating to myself what I had learned and was very satisfying in knowing I could create useful software that would interact with a user.